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Eating Your Meals.

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Georgiesmum | 22:24 Tue 30th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Do you eat your meals up at the table or do eat yours on a tray in front of the television?


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Now it's on the coffee table in front of the tv, but only since our child grew up, I always insisted on sitting round the dining table together when she was growing up.
when on my own, on my lap...more than one eating at the dining of. phones of, when my family were young we always ate at the dining table. and no tv.
On my lap or my computer desk if on on PC at the time, up to the table for larger meals.
I sit on the floor in front of the TV, usually. It's table or floor, I cannot sit on the sofa, I'd make quite a mess.
At home it tends to be on a small foldup type table as the main one is covered in things I ought to find places to put away (and anyway, is "miles" away from the TV). But I never ask for a tray at the restaurant !

\\\\But I never ask for a tray at the restaurant \\\\....LOL

For goodness sake don't tempt providence....we already have the nauseating site of kids playing with their computer games and mobile phones whilst sitting at the table.......perhaps a "clip around the ear" would be appropriate?
Always at the dining table, even if its just a sandwich, no TV.
Always at the table, as a family... i think its's good to do that with children. We have a chat and the girls tell us what they've been doing at school whilst hubby moans about work!
If we order pizza, we have a carpet picnic in the living room and watch a film.
depends, if its something i can eat with a fork then i can balance it on my bump whilst sat on couch. If i need knife and fork i have to eat at table x
Always at the table, even on my own.
We don't have a table

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