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Bt Or Plusnet?

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john1066 | 18:12 Wed 01st May 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Hi..I am on BT Broadband at the moment but am tempted to switch to Plusnet..Would I be doing the right thing? Anyone had any experience of Plusnet? Are they any better than BT? They seem a lot cheaper! Thanks John....


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hello John not seen you on here alot lately, hope you are ok, I'd like to know more about plusnet too.
They are rubbish
on what do you base your comment madmothenewbie
Why do you call me madmoth?
Have you been having problems with your BT broardband, john ?.
Guess who owns Plusnet.
bt and plusnet are ostensibly the same company. i hve been using plusnet since i had internet at home (since 2001) and they are good

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Bt Or Plusnet?

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