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rockyracoon | 17:21 Thu 02nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
My daughter is driving me nuts, she got art homework last week that needs to be handed in tomorrow, she now wants help, talk about leave it to the last minute.

The homework subject word is Covert, she can do anything to represent it, painting, drawing, model blah blah.

Does anyone have any ideas for what she can do, I'm useless and as it's covert, how do you see it anyways.


Thanks for any replies.


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Leave her alone - I always used to leave my homework until the night before due.
If she gets a bit stuck she could do an image of a someone looking through a balaclava (like Sara's idea but more block colour, maybe use a bit of texture on the black balaclava bit (unless there is something black woollen she could cut into shape). It could even be looking over something like a wall or fence or hedge (again, cuttings or other materials could be used for that) so the actual image is smaller that she has to draw (or maybe a photograph could be added underneath if you have a suitable one or could print one out?).

Simple techniques with not much effect required (should materials be available) but could be quite effective and provide a nice layered effect for a bit of perspective etc...
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Canary I'd happy to do that but then I ave to listen to the whinging and sobbing about bad grades, it's a headwreck. My son leaves everything til lat minute but he couldn't give a carrot.

I don't know what's worse, really I don't.
Cut out a piece of cardboard with the words TOP SECRET written on it. Take a large potato, cut a slot into it and insert the card into the slot until hidden - finis.

Of course you could then preserve it in formaldehyde but that's a bit old hat now since whatsisname did it.
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Thanks Eve, I'll show her what you've written, she's bloody crying again cos she's ballsed something up. It's only art For Funks Sake, she must have a crush on the teacher (who is by the way, a little bit tasty)

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