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Re Infestation In The Kitchen.

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Jeza | 20:19 Thu 02nd May 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Since the mints were demolished I have not seen a sign. I put the one mousetrap I had down. Nothing,. Managed to get to the shops today where I bought 6 traps, a bit over the top I know. Is it at all possible that they have left from whence they came?


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Did you establish it was mice?

//Is it at all possible that they have left from whence they came?// yes but not very likely.

If you catch a rat in a mouse trap, I hope you have a plan for dealing with a very p!ssed off rat running around your kitchen lol
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Ratter, I want help, not to be scorned. I have neither seen or heard anything. Only the chewed mints. No droppings, no nothing.
Jeza, the mints were still there then, but with rodent type teeth marks ?.
Lol, I was not scorning, just making you aware, a rat stuck in a mouse trap is going to screech like you would never guess.

So did you find the missing chocolate?

Maybe it was not mouse or rat, I dont know without seeing the evidence.

put a biscuit or two around where you think the rodent was and see if they get nibbled or disappear.
I once caught a mouse in a rat trap, it was completely obliterated....kersplatttt
carrust, A mouse in a rat trap is often worse, the mouse will usually get caught by the tail, the mouse will then chew its own tail off to escape, not nice.
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Didn't look tony, just binned the lot.

Ratter. I didn't mean to be off with you. No sign what so ever of the missing choc. No wrappers nothing, maybe I threw the choc away. I really can't remember. If it.s not a mouse or rat what else could it be?
If it is a rat caught in the trap screaming, what do you suggest I do?
A rat was eating my home grown spuds....the mouse was unlucky. I ended up shooting the rat from a bedroom it 1st shot much to my amazement:-)
I suggest you hit it very hard with a spade, do not try to touch it with your hand, he wont like you a whole bundle!! lol
Or read this book
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Another link
Tales of a Rat Hunting Man. Brian Plummer. Sadly deceased. One of the few books I could read over and over, totally hilarious!!
I read it some years ago...hilarious. A top line in the book is when he was going out with a vetinary nurse who gave him dead animals to feed his ferrets. She said to him; "you're only going out with me for my bodies."
lol yes. I remember him getting the sack as a school teacher because he kept taking his pupils to the local maggot farm to hunt rats with a load of ferrets, during school time!
RATTER, Brian Plummer was one of my teachers at secondary school, great bloke and and a very good teacher.
Cool tony, I would love to have met him, sadly too late now.
I read somewhere that minty fragrance deter mice and rats. I'm disappointed the mints didn't keep the critters away.
Hey Jeza, what a nightmare for you. I am really surprised you haven't found any droppings though. When my sister had a mice infestation, she put clean bedding on and when she went up after about an hour (this was in the day), there was a dropping in the bed. Mice are very clever though as she had traps everywhere baited with just about everything and she never caught one.

I think it's a good sign you've not found any droppings so far. Anyway, sorry I can't offer any advice but I've been thinking of you, wondering how you were getting on as I know it's down to you to sort it. Hope you're ok :)
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I'm fine Miss C. I just hope they have moved on elsewhere, though I know it's not likely.

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