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Good Morning Breakfastbankers

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WELSHYORKIE | 03:53 Fri 03rd May 2013 | ChatterBank
177 Answers
Good morning and welcome to the Good Morning thread - the home of witty banter, minds below the gutter - oh, and me!!


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don't have door, fluffy, the splinters get in your teeth :-)
I would have thought that by now your name was in there in large capital letters, in red, and underscored four times with at least 4 * marks and "to watch - pass file to MI5" after your name, neatly annotated in.
sounds lush alba but i have the toast and marmite bits but no bacon or anything to cook it on when i get to work....

so it will be t&m and i shall pretend its a bacon sarnie. and ive just seen the time, oooops id better go x
Take care Fluffpot xx
Bye all, have to be going. Have a great bank holiday weekend.
Bye DTC, have a good one xx
good morning all. i hope you are all well and looking forward to this friday and the coming weekend.
bright and sunny here at the momernt - long may it last, at least for the weekend.
hi there and bye DTC. have a good one. x
hi there and bye fluff. you too have a good one. x
hi there and bye. have a good one to all of you who have already been and gone. x
Good morning Sunshines Xx
MrsO - good to see you're here and you're obviously well as you're keeing up this pretence of being famous and not just a fish wife from ooop north with a wierd desire for mackerel and cod.
good morning salla

Morning all, what a contrast to yesterday, brill sunshine (N/Kent) sea impersonating a mill pond, blue skies, all good so far.
Hounds are sorted, coffee is brewing and B & E sizzling,
the weekend starts here ;o)
morning baldric - glad to know you are having good weather as that means my family will be enjoying it as well.
Morning Folks, back in civilisation!! Off on a few days holidays have a nice weekend
morning slappy. good to see ya.

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