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Floppy disc transfer glitch

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andy-hughes | 09:14 Fri 27th Jan 2006 | Technology
3 Answers

Good morning all

I have Windows '98, and I often transfer Word documents onto a 3.5" floppy. Yesterday, my PC advised me it was "Unablt to create the document or file'.

I have swopped discs, and rer-named the file, but it won't save.

Because my PC is being coy about what the problem is, can anyone advise me why this is happening, and what I can do to correct it?



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can you read froma previously created disk ?
Are you sure those are the exact words in the error message - I tried Google (usually very good for error messages) and it didn't give much.
It could be that it has run out of space maybe... save the file to My Documents then open windows explorer (Start, Programs, Accessories), navigate to My Documents (it should be there already) and see what size your file is (you may need to change the display format to 'Details').

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