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mrs_overall | 08:56 Sun 05th May 2013 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
How many of you haggle when you buy something?
In the past month I have successfully haggled in PC World, a jewellers and an antiques shop.

I have to mention I am from Yorkshire and therefore it is a genetic trait


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Nope, I pay the price on the tag. My Nonna, however, was Queen of haggling. She used to tell me off anytime I went to the fruit market in Italy and paid the full price for peaches! lol She was so good, Ryanair used to waive the fee for her overweight luggage! lol
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Curious that we have a convention that we haggle on buying cars and houses, the two most expensive things one ever has (apart from a daughter; right, dads?). We don't, in Britain, do it with anything else, with the possible exception of antiques.

I do a deal on anything when possible. I used not to on hotels, but my ex taught me how to, turning up with no booking, late in the day, never expecting 5* to reduce price (they have an image to keep, but will always give upgrades and free meals; find trivial complaints about every room until they give you a suite for the price of a small room) The other grades just reduce price; late in the day, if they still have rooms, what chance have they of of a booking at all, apart from yours?

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