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Ray Harryhausen Has Died

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Stephen_G | 22:27 Tue 07th May 2013 | News
10 Answers
Aged 92. He was in London, attending Hammersmith Hospital for treatment.



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oh, that's a shame, though of course he was very old.
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A pioneer , indeed. Just learned that he employed choreographers. They planned the movements of the skeletons etc and the actors. The fight scenes were then rehearsed with a the choreographer playing the part of a skeleton, the actor hero making his movements accordingly. Then the whole scene was recreated using stop motion, the skeleton being made to copy the choreographer's movements. Blimey, it's a wonder any film was finished; that must have taken ages of painstaking work.
Brilliant man, someone we should be sorry to lose xx
Talos from Jason and the argonauts is the one I always remember

That and the skeleton fight (above)
On closer inspection that's even more impressive than I remembered. In the fireceness of the fight the movement is surprisingly, incredibly, fairly smooth. When the skeletons are moving slowly it's a bit too jerky to be convincing, but yes, during the fight that's wonderful techniques. A pioneer.

Wilhelm scream at 2:12, though... classic.

Those skeletons scared the bejesus out of me for a very long time.

A Hollywood great.
Ah...yes I still am scared of Jason & the Argonauts...Talos scared me witless..the screeching noises when the statue moved!! Then the skelly-bobs!!! Brilliant special effects!! He was a master.
My son loved Jason and the arognauts so much we have them on a video which he will not let us tape over. It is brilliant though
// When the skeletons are moving slowly it's a bit too jerky to be convincing, //

Who's to say how real supernatural skeleton warriors move jim? Maybe they're jerky.

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