Hi all.
My son was playing 'Need for Speed Most Wanted' for the first time yesterday. Whilst playing, the game appeared to freeze, with a caption appearing on screen saying 'reloading'. It remained in this state for a good 15 minutes, so I decided to switch off the console and unplug it from the mains and wait for a minute. However, on switch on, there is now no output from the console at all. I have tried it through both of the HDMI channels on my TV and have run the cable TV through the HDMI channel that the PS3 was connected to originally, and the TV signal is good through both channels. Any ideas please? Thanks.
The only answer I can give, is that you look for telephone numbers in the manual for technical support, and ring the people there to help you. It may simply be a technical fault, or something you have missed doing. Sorry I cannot be any more help, but hopefully, the PS3 tech team should be able to remedy it for you.