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This Is Good I Am In The Staffroom

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DJHawkes | 17:03 Thu 09th May 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
And now we have cloud At work and I have a tablet I can be here when I should not be. Lol


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Keep taking the tablet(s) Dot ...
I'm glad I understand what you are talking about, LOL
i get it

you can be on ab, when you on your breaks at work?

are you still watching nashville?
Bad lady!!! get back to work immediately!!
Whoa - I wouldn't boast about that too much mrs h - remember what happened to me?
Lol, I was actually thinking the same myself Bbbananas.
Naughty dot lol. bet she's watching that Garth bloke on You Tube !.
I know it's annoying to some to keep mentioning it (I try not to - bygones n all that), but it is worth bearing in mind. One just never knows...
Yes salla I remember that incident, not good.
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fluffy i've missed some but my facebook friend trisha has been in loads of episodes now as an extra and apparently brad paisley is in it now.

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