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What Are We All Up To Tomorrow Then?

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Answerprancer | 01:47 Sun 12th May 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...apart from nursing hangovers :-)
I'm going to Brand's Hatch with me camera and a battery of lenses :-))


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By tomorrow, I mean later today technically.
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I won't be nursing a hangover - I have my sisters coming to me for din dins. xx
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All sounds very chilled so far :-)
Watching football and winning a few quid hopefully
What football is on ?

Having spent nine hours, in occasional showers,queuing outside the Albert Hall to get Prom tickets, I think I have had enough excitement for one weekend ! Think I'll go out for a big Sunday roast and then settle in front of the telly.
My mum is coming round with her ready to cook chicken in a bag. Still feeling quite tender from a few days ago so not really up to going anywhere.

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What Are We All Up To Tomorrow Then?

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