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You Can't Trust Fruit

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sherrardk | 21:00 Thu 16th May 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Always knew you couldn't trust fruit and a cooking apple proved it tonight. Just peeling one for my tea, looked absolutely fine - rotten on the inside (sneaky bloody fruit).


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Never trust a banana.

And I've always been suspicious of grapes.
You can trust juniper berries.
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Obvioulsy, fruit in alcohol is exempt from the rule.
Beware of fruit in alcohol!

It's only trying to get you drunk so it can steal your purse. Or dignity.
Nor dandelions ...bound to bring grief to poor Mrs O .
I had four perfect looking bramleys, not a mark on them, they felt firm and everything 3 were 3/4 brown and totally unusable from the core. Luckily enough I'd still got two from the previous week so we got our apple sauce but it was a close run thing!
bloody apples, look how they did for Eve
Well there's a thing, I was abducted once and robbed after drinking fermented apples.

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