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Is It So Hard To Say?

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TWR | 09:46 Sun 19th May 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Please or thank you, I'm sure some think they feel humble to say these little words.


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i find most folks here in edinburgh to be polite...
DT, What's wrong with Have a nice day! ??
When somebody asks me if I want something like a cup of tea I sometimes just say, that would be lovely, but not yes, please, to me that sounds a bit bland.
I always use them, my children have been brought up to use rthem and be polite, Grandchildren aswell.
Its just manners, and I think good manners get you a long way in life. X
I tell you what's REALLY hard to say:
That's ^^^^ easy for you to say
Actually, I taught myself how to pronounce it - took a few attempts but I got it and now I can say it without showering everyone with flob!
I brought my daughter up with good manners and now my grandchildren have very good manners so who's fault is it that people haven't???

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