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Knighthood For Beckham?

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albaqwerty | 15:23 Sun 19th May 2013 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Heard it talked about on radio and TV, do you think he should be awarded some sort of title for services to football?

Personally, I don't care either way, but maybe a medal to his contribution to Sport?



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Moves over, Ron, and Rob are the politians not bankers?
I meant [w].

Apologies, Alba, just felt like a rant x
Ron, sorry my typo x
Now what has made me think that Beckham is perhaps a Catholic and wouldn't consider wearing a Knighthood.

-- answer removed --
I'll try it again
..and don't forget the bankers Psybbo //

Robkep, Funny way to type a W !!!

Did he do all that for nowt .I remember an old gentleman was retiring .His workmates collected for him .He just refused to take it saying "I was paid for the work I done Im owed nothing "

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Knighthood For Beckham?

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