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jacklee | 22:55 Mon 13th May 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
How do I get cracking on all the things I know I ought to be doing?
On my own now but lots of litle chores need doing.
Why do I prefer to put things off while I do the crossword?
Guess it's because my better half is in the nursing home and it's so easy to 'leave it until tomorrow'.
Shopping is a must - unless I want to starve!
Know I must keep things up to scratch but so hard to do so.



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Hi jack. I dind that once I start one thing I get enthused to do more. Mrs Z might disagree tho.
You'll do them when it is time to do them. Have some 'you' time, the jobs will still be there tomorrow.
Never mind Jack, its getting late now. How about having a go at a few things tomorrow morning and then you can do the crosswords and please yourself in the afternoon.
I'm surprise you didn't mention hanging out on AnswerBank and ignoring the chores as one of your excuses. :)
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hi zacs - just about to say hello when we had a power cut!
computer now on battery by torchlight so better just say goodnight.
allthe best to you.
Write a 'To Do' list, and set yourself the task to get some crossed off before rewarding yourself with a break.

When you finish a job, enjoy yourself thoroughly scribbling it off the list in celebration.
All the best to you too jack.
The power cut is the spirits telling you not to worry about things you ought to be doing and enjoy the things you want to do.
Nice to see you Jack...keep popping in. Gx
Just start with a duster and a can of Pledge. Once you get going, you will probably want to keep going.
I have loads of stuff that needs doing, I'm on here because it is the only time I get to myself.
Set yourself one task each day, however small. Having achieved that you may find that you want to accomplish something else that needs doing.
The crossword is an escape from reality. I use it daily. My biggest escape is reading.
Post when you are feeling you can't be bothered. I will nag at you and perhaps do something myself.
When you find something that works, be a pal and tell me!
Hi Jacklee, How are you? I hope all is well with you and your's.

Cold and wet in Geordie land, will we ever have a summer?

I think of you everytime I drive along Sandy Lane.

Take care Arwyn x
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fao arwyn

Hi there! great to hear from you.
Today wall to wall sunshine here - was able to take my wife out in a wheel chair for a pleasant hour - not been out of doors recently.
Son-in-law picked me up after visiting and took me home for a smashing meal. What a treat to have a meal with good company.
OK otherwise. Wouldn't mind a trip down Sandy Lane - used to walk my dog down the lane at night and could hear the bats squeaking!
Hope you and yours are well and that the weather improves.
Hi ya jacklee, nice to see you posting.
The only way I achieve is to write myself a list. Start the list with a job you have already accomplished, so that you get an instant tick next to it. It'll motivate you to get on with the rest. Rather than thinking 'I've got to do the kitchen', separate that into smaller, bite size chunks: take rubbish out, wash up, clean floor etc. Don't be to ambitious in what you are likely to achieve, it will only demotivate you.
Ah Jacklee you had me worried as I noticed you had'nt wrote for over a week. Its good to hear from you.
That sounds like a lovely day for you and your dear wife.
Ask your son in law to show you Google street and how to use it, you'll be able to walk down Sandy lane.
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Thanks for response. Did well this morning with the Mr.Sheen - polished all the lounge furniture - but wilted at the thought of the Hoover!
However i aim to do that tomorrow.
Slowly but surely.

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