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Does Anyone Know Why The Amish

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Stargazer | 20:30 Sun 19th May 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
pulll out all the teeth at the age of nineteen (Just watching Leaving the Amish on TLC)?


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that's really interesting seadogg and I was sad when morse got officially dumped

I'm sure there's a place in the world for something so simple when all the rest of the clever gubbins goes down
They don't.

//The Amish use local doctors, dentists, eye doctors, etc., and will go to specialists and hospitals as needed. //
Thanks sloops. You are dead right about morse. It gets through static and interference better than anything. It is still a password into an international brotherhood among amateur operators.
good seadogg, I'm just sorry I haven't learned it yet and my opportunity to do so is diminishing quickly
When my wife was a Devon 'maid' it was still the custom for some fathers to pay to have all their daughters teeth pulled once the marriage was arranged. I was a kind of dowry as it obviated the need for dental tretment later in life and the resulting expense. I think there must have been a discount on a job lot. "

Jomifl, is this true? Never heard of such a thing. You must be really antique :)

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