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Keep Your Fingers Crossed

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sherrardk | 13:54 Tue 21st May 2013 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
After living in this house for nearly three years the broadband/phone people think they have finally found out why our Internet runs so depressingly slowly (0.4 thingies) and it should be fixed in the next 48 hours.


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Sorry to say it, but 1.76 is still poor; although it might be considered good for Sky, which averages 2.2 in my area. I am therefore on a winner with approximately 14 from BT. ( Highest has been 14.8 )

I take the view that 5 is reasonable and anything over and above is a real bonus. You can check what other folk are likely to be getting in your area from a test on the following site.:-


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Alston, if we do a speed check, the highest around here is 4 thingies. We are in a bit of a good Internet black hole.

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