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What It Backwards Writing?

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Stargazer | 17:00 Sat 25th May 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Apparently Leonardo da Vinci wrote backwards (mirror writing). I have seen programmes about this so it is rare but not unknown. It may be something to do with dyslexia and/or left-handedness but it must also be attributed to something else.


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I don't know what causes it, but I'm right-handed, and I can write perfectly backwards with my left hand, at a normal speed and the slope of the letters reversed.
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Baldric. Is it mirror writing. ie If you look at it in a mirrow is it completely backward writing?
I am left handed, I can also write backwards, not dyslexic though, or maybe I am with out knowing it.
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I am fascinated. Do you normally write with your right hand? if yes, then can you write with your left and in normal ,right way round writing and is it as clear as it is using your right hand? Are you ambidextrous?

Sorry, should have said, yes it is.
I used to be able to write backwards quite quickly (right handed). I can't do it so well fact I can't write so well the correct way these days, my handwriting's gone downhill since the arrival of compters. :)
Stargazer... you could probably do it yourself quite easily if you try. Used to do this a lot in younger days. If you take a pen in each hand, left and right, put your hands close-ish together as you start to write - now, write, say, your name forwards with your right hand and, at the same time, write it backwards with your left hand. The hands mirror each other quite easily. Don't know if it works with printed script - probably not - but certainly with 'joined up' writing.
Same as Baldric, have always been able to write in script backwards and it is legible.
I'm L handed and can write backwards in script and when I was at school could write backwards and forwards simultaneously with both hands, don't have much use for this skill these days though..... and I'm not cixelsyd at all.
goggle mcmanus left mirror writing

yup we have a prof of left handedness and his name is Prof Chris Mcmanus

He has written alot about this and you will see from the goggle

Basically it is common in lefties mirror writing I mean.

He has done a bit about left handedness in antiquity
you know there are more left handers in the 20-30 age group than in the 70-80 age group possibly showing that being left handed in a right handed world carries an increased mortality

and he looked at the twistiness of threads in silver and gold torques
and then s spun and z spun cotton threads in egyptian textiles

basically 8%
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what was your last paragraph about?
I can do mirror writing, write with both hands at the same time. Normal with my right and back to front with my left. I used to be right handed then changed. Long story! Haha!
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Nodger - it works. I am amazed!

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