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What Order?

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EcclesCake | 11:46 Sun 26th May 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
What order do you wear your wedding/engagement/eternity rings in?

I've just been reading the paper and noticed a lady had her engagement ring on first then her wedding ring, a perfectly logical arrangement in order of them being given to her.

I wear my eternity ring, wedding ring and then my engagement ring which is an illogical order but the usual convention amongst friends and family.

Which order do you wear yours in and is there a 'rule' as to the order or is it just a matter of choice?


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... or a Prince Albert.
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I will let Mr Cake answer that one...........
Wedding ring,eternity ring, then engagement ring used to wear eternity ring last but it looks better between the other two!
Although I have all 3 I don't wear any. When I worked in Engineering it was dangerous to wear any jewellery. Since I retired I've not bothered to put them back on.
my wedding ring has never left my finger.
Its only off if i have an op. Never wear engagement ring, never think to put it on.
Never owned eternity ring, He would never have thought to buy me one, but have a ring engraved with I love you, so thats really special and would hate to ever part with it.
Before my engagement ring was stolen it was worn above my wedding ring. However, my friend wears her wedding ring above her engagement ring. I suppose it's what we've been used to seeing in the family.
Friend's husband bought her an eternity ring after xxxx years, because he felt it had been an eternity.
haven't received an eternity ring yet.
Used to wear my engagement ring after my wedding ring.
No longer have either rings
I have a wedding ring which I have just tested and realised is going to need the fire brigade to remove it. Was never engaged, or damned for eternity!
I have no rings on my fingers, yet!
I think it's just choice. After trial and error mine look and feel right with wedding ring, engagement ring and then eternity ring.
That's the second time you've said that Ratter.....can you do something about it maybe?
Maydup, not exactly the same, a slight alteration :-)

And we will be changing that very soon :-)
RATTER, Top hat and tails ?.
ooh, I need to buy a hat then Ratter?
Sounds that way to me, ah wench.
Faaantastic news Ratter. Move first then the rings?
Tony, "Top hat and tails ?" over my dead body!!

The wedding will be quite informal, I think it will be more about the meeting of hounds than the joining of hands :-)

A bit of a Wolfhound fest I think :-)
Wedding ring, engagement ring then eternity ring.
Managed to lose two wedding rings. First when teaching daughter to swim in very cold sea. Second gardening in said daughter's garden. Wear my mother's and grandmother's engagement rings.

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