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Flower Help

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Filbert | 17:02 Thu 30th May 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Hi all, a very close friend of mine is going through a tough time at the moment and I want to send her flowers to represent positive energy, hugs, etc. Can anyone recommend a good type to give her that will help to cheer her up and show her that I'm thinking of her? TIA


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What about an orchid in a nice pot, it will flower for months and hopefully last for years?
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Thanks you guys. I've looked on a few web sites but they totally contradict each other. What is good for friendship on one site is for something else on another. Confused
I don't think the meaning is as important as sending something which the person will like.
I agree with woofy. I understand your sentiment but does your friend know the meaning of flowers? I've loved receiving flowering plants from friends, each time they bloom again you're reminded of their support.
A rose Bush for her garden....
hello filbert. Send her a bouquet with yellow and orange flowers. This colour is uplifting and full of positive energy.

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