Evening Primrose Oil For Dogs in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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Evening Primrose Oil For Dogs

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pastafreak | 20:27 Wed 29th May 2013 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
I've read that Evening Primrose oil is beneficial for dogs skin,and helps prevent irritations.. I'd like to try it on sally as she has had some skin irritation the past two summers-a lot of scratching resulting in quite red skin.
How much should the dosage be? She weighs about 22 kilos if that is relevant.
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Hi pasta....I swear by calendula cream for skin problem. Might be worth a try for Sally
A blood test would get to the bottom of the problem, EPR can cause the runs.
I used baby oil with aloe vera in it (johnsons do one I don't know about other brands) on my dog when he had bad skin (ex had taken him to his flat and he came back riddled with fleas which caused him great skin irritation). Really soothed it down for him - made his coat a little greasy at first but didn't care so long as he was more comfortable.
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Thanks,both. I'll look into calendula cream...but I doubt its necessary to go down the blood test route as the problem is more of an irritation .
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Thankyou also, Nini. I've used Sudocream also,which helped a lot.
Try Yumega.
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Thank you lankeela. I've heard of yumega. I'll look into it.

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