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The Coronation

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BlueToffee | 09:21 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Anyone remember what they were doing 60 years ago today?

I was sitting in a classroom with a coronation mug full of sweets watching a massive television with a tiny screen as a snotty 8 year old!


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And I was 3, Tony...remember it so well, in the local school and the little boy next to me took the fondant fancy I had had my eye on as the plate was passed around the table. I cried but he still ate it. I never forgave him and got my own back years later when he asked me for a if!! I wanted that fondant fancy... :-( x
09:37 Sun 02nd Jun 2013
us poor people we didn't own or know anyone with a telly but we did have a street party with all the mums dressing up. I did have a pen knife , mug and a crown, lost the knife and mug but still have the crown in it's box.
My mum kept wondering what would happen if the Queen wanted the loo! The service pal one was nearly 3 hours long. It was years later she discovered that they gave the Queen tablets so she wouldn't need to,go!
Had forgotten the mug and the crown. A pen-knife? Lucky devil!

I was 5, watching it in a roomful of locals. Our TV dated from about 1936. It had an enormous cabinet. The gun for the tube was so long that it couldn't be mounted for the screen to face into the room, so the screen had to point, with the image in mirror reverse, to the ceiling. There was a large mirror mounted on top, angled so we could see the picture the right way round and in the room
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I only popped out 2 days later on the 4th, so have no memories. But my Mum always blamed me for missing most of the TV coverage. They wheeled a TV into the Maternity Ward but my Mum was too busy biting pillows to pay much attention.
I was 5 years old in the "bottom class" (youngest) at the Primary school opposite my house.

I remember being so disappointed as I couldn't go to the school's Coronation Party around the flagpole in the school playground as I had measles and mumps TOGETHER! My Mum had made me a "day bed" consisting of 2 armchairs pushed together, in the living room. I had a special visit after the party from my teacher who brought me some painting books and my Coronation mug filled with Sharps toffees. I felt very honoured, as did my Mum and Dad that my teacher took the time to come. I remember making a cut out model of the coronation coach from a press-out book at the time and my Dad made an Air-fix model which we painted gold and it stood on the mantelpiece for years!

The following week, when I was better, I joined the whole school (5-7 yr olds) in walking crocodile style to the local cinema to see the official Coronation film being shown for schools. I found this most exciting as we didn't even have a television in those days, so I had never seen a moving film before.
Ah such memories ......... where did those 60 years go?
Ann ,I think your 60 years went the same as mine, someone nicked them when we were not looking.
I was 4 and we went to a party in the church hall. I won the fancy dress competition for under 5's, dressed as Sir Gordon Richards.
My mum was only 7 months old.
i wasnt even a twinkle my mum would of been 8

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