Sunny Afternoon in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Sunny Afternoon

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paddywak | 17:55 Tue 04th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
The sky was blue and empty apart from a strange yellow thing floating about. Trish was co-opted to help my sister chaperone a bunch of kids on a trip so I filled a bucket with ice chucked in half a dozen cans of cider and spent the afternoon contemplating the patterns the vapour trails of the passing planes made while in the company of Mr Dylan and Miss Baez. Oh happy day.
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paddy, a perfect afternoon..........
Quite a busy day, then?!
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Almost anne, the only thing missing was my old dog snoring in the shade, but apart from that it was about as good as it gets.
Wonderful company....and Guinness for me, Paddy.x
Jammy beggar.
zzzzzzzzz or however you spell "snore" from an onomatopoeic angle.......
That's the way to do it paddywak. I've been potting up some herbs accompanied by a blackbird who sat on the fence whistling while I worked. Lovely day.
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Just hope the weathers as good tomorrow as Trish has decided we're going out for the day, not that I'll have much say in the matter I'm just the driver.
Lol the same job as MrAsk, he is to take me to get some 'bulky' shopping. On Thursday am he is going into hospital for a knee replacement so he'll be unable to drive for a while.
Nice bit of sun here today but an evil very cold wind. brr

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