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New Laws And Fines For Using Mobile Phone...

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gina32 | 13:54 Wed 05th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
... and other things, do you agree? should the fines be more and more points or less?


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This has been the subject of a wee debate already this am.
no mention of mobile phones int he otehr thread, though.

I'm all in favour. I never feel safe when I see a driver on a mobile.
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did look but didn't see it. and my opinion is that mobile phone using whilst driving should be given a much bigger fine and more points
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thanks jno, didn't think that id seen any on the other thread but only read them quickly so may have missed them
The use of mobile phones and tailgating should be punished much harsher.
i have lost time of the amount of times i have nearly been run over by idiot drivers on their mobiles. it would be nice to see this actually enforced
It is enforced if they are caught. My mate got fined for checking a text when she was at a red light.
Sorry - posted the linked question because it had a link to an article on it for triggs.
yeh give em lotsa points and empty the roads
Saw a woman some time ago, she was on her mobile whilst driving and had kiddies in the car with the obligatory 'child on board' sign
If I'd had a machine gun......

Middle lane hoggers seem to have the mindset that the inside lane is for 50, middle lane is for 60 and the outside lane is for 70.
Alba- is that speed, age or IQ ?
I have said this before many times.
The penalty for driving whilst using a mobile phone,should be:-

A £500 fine and 6 months ban.

Any subsequent conviction could be subject to a £1000 fine or 3 months jail.
Those Roses in the background look lovely don't they?
20.48 post, wrong place.
Every effort should be made to bring the tw*ts that use Mobile phones whilst driving to face the full force of the law. Its just common sense for goodness sake !
Anyone stopped for not having any insurance should have their vehicle taken away and scrapped on the spot.
Too many nutters on the road using mobiles to chat away.
i always have told my kids that if they cant get me, to ring or text me and I'll get back to them. Ring again later!!!! I've scared to use mobile now while driving.

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