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Murderous attack on mosque, 1 dead...

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sandyRoe | 15:31 Tue 13th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I hope we can all unite in condemning this.


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Sandy, I do not condone this type of approach & it will not deter others, but I'm afraid the way things are gong there will be a lot more of this going on. Talking between both sides must happen to try & sort out what the BIG problem is.
From what ive read earlier and sorry i dont have link, this is believed to have been done by a Sunni muslim and its believed the Imam was killed trying to save the life of someone in the Masjid. I for one totally condemn what he has done.

May Allah (SWT) grant the Imam the highest place in Jannah and his family strength and sabr through this difficult time Ameen.

how come you didnt put this in news sandy?
Naturally one condemns murderous attacks. Goes without saying.
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In 'news' it would just attract the news buffs. Here it might draw a wider audience.
Or, to tell the truth, I'm so uses to using Chatterbox I didn't think to post in news.
yeah i do that all the time lol
"I'm so uses to using Chatterbox"

you'd think you'd know it's called ChatterBank then by now then huh?

But yes, sorry, didn't mention it- it is terrible news.
That is dreadful, I definitely condemn it.
Just to put things into perspective:

"Murderous attack on mosque, 1 dead..."

Murderous attack on Twin Towers, 3000 plus dead."
It's shocking.
add innocents killed in the middle east by western troops to that mike... i reckon its far and away more than 3000.

I condemn all of them who have had a part in any of it.
Of course we should all condemn this attack on a religious place of worship.

As for finding out the reason why, I suggest that we start by trying to establish why a significant minority of white people in Britain has an irrational fear of foreigners.

Somebody here on AB recently, who shall remain nameless, said that we are being "overun" by Muslims. In the 2011 census, it was found that less than 5% of British residents are Muslim :::

Hardly being "overrun" are we ? Can't these people go to the place of worship of their choice, without running the risk of being burnt to death ?

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