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I Realy Feel For The Syrian People.

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TWR | 20:46 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
But should involved? there is only one person causing this problem, should the target be him?


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It's not one person, although the press find him an easy target for Sun readers.

What we have here is a mish mash of sunni v shia, russia v the west, and everyone with a gun having a free for all.

There are no simple answers.
Lol, what 'one' person is that, TW?
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The one person that is causing he problem Sevjk!
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Sorry, Svejk
Its a civil/religious war TW. Global powers at work. This has nothing to do with 'one person'
Give, and hope and trust that the money gets to the right places ...
What do you think of Austria with- drawing their UN troops from the Golan Heights, TW?

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I Realy Feel For The Syrian People.

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