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Well, Have You Had A Good Day?

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TWR | 20:47 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Well, have you?


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Apart from between the hours of 8am and 5.30pm, I did.
too hot
Apart from this -

It has been fine, even went out for tea.
it's been up and down. Had to take my daughter to some stupid waste of time meeting in Preston for 1pm and cos i had the two grandkids with me it was hard work and difficult and very hot, but then later when we were home it was real fun seeing the eldest granddaughter playing 'ready steady go' in the garden, she's only 19 months but so full of everything and talking really well. She kept going to the back gate, turning around and pretending she had just arrived and sating Hiya to us all as she walked down the path, she did it over and over again, so cute.
Not really although it's no big deal to most I suppose. The rain, cloud and wind after sitting in an office with the sun shining all week was totally gutting.
Hot????? don't move Zac to the southern States, Lagos or most of the Far East.....if you said humidity, I could better understand - though it's an excuse for another pint.
Yes and No
interesting start, woke to a huge clap of thunder right overhead and both dogs immediately panicked, They weight around 32kg each and i am on my own. When they panic they need to sit on me and cling on with their claws, my arms and legs look like I have been through barbed wire.
Yes. I bought 10 x one pound scratch cards and won a 20 and 4 ones, so 14 pounds profit.
You'll be rolling in it,soon,grasscarp. ;)
I have got 3 lucky dips on tonights euromillions just in case it is my lucky day!
Good luck.
Yes. Went to Newmarket for the first meeting this year on the July course. Weather good. Early betting a bit difficult; 2 year old fillies, most of whom had never seen a racecourse, and maidens; but picked up winners later on, so that paid for lunch (sole objective when racing) and the petrol home (second objective) plus the Timeform card and still ended 20 quid up!
Productive. Clearing out the spare bedroom so that it looks more like a bedroom than a junk room. Tons for the bin men on Monday. Then my daughter had an unexpected invitation so I am looking after her labrador for the night. He's just shared my dinner(had his earlier but he knows I'm a soft touch) Quick walk round the block and off to bed.
Had a good day and week overall as I've been on holiday. Went to dentist then had a relaxing afternoon enjoying the weather.

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