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Theland | 19:46 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
On a warm sunny day, two nuns on bikes sped down a hill, hurrying to the Primark sale that had just begun, when suddenly .......


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But they'll be back in a future episode,don't you worry folks!
The Mighty Goddess CUPID04 huz spoke!!! (How the hell did this start with 2 nuns on bikes? There was this determined looking woman walking towards the pub in Maryhill Road one Friday night with a frying-pan in her hand.....
I'm no goddess, just a simple Essex girl.
....a newcomer to Maryhill cried, "Is that aw ye could pick up oan a Friday night hen, laughed, and then was heard from no more....
.....the 'domestic', as it was once referred to in Glasgow was finally sorted out by the Maryhill polis. The final words were spoken by the sergeant to his constables, "Whit wanny yous bams started this stupid story aboot nuns oan bikes?"
It was Theland, pal.
I know that cupid pal, I was only hoping he would answer. The woman and the frying-pan and the pub isn't fiction incidentally :-)
If you'd read all the post, he got called away to babysit and left the rest of us to fill in the gaps.

[How are P&F?]
Have you a few old bruises then?
I thought I'd read all the posts but this machine isn't reliable, it misses things. Sorry Theland

cupid pal - P & F are just great but they want alternative names. They think P & F are 'Sunday' names so they want names for during the week. Over to you then, they're tough Glesca cats, so nothing....
Bruiser and Taggart?
back on again guys - what one did you like Theland. To end it all. ie the funniest.
B & T give you the nod for that. Still P & F on Sundays. LOL, one of them DOES look like Taggart :-)
Theland - haven't read a good lot of posters - but can you pick the one you like for the rest of us and then we can rest up!

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