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Paying Aff The Mortgage

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Connemmara | 02:21 Sat 08th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Irish humour above aff should be off so bear with me - was out with a friend last week and told her that I was about to end my mortgage in August. "Oh she said no big deal" her and husband who are estranged now - the day we went down to finalise our payment - we had to ask my mother for the bus fare. Downslope I went. My other friend wanted me to have a party - you're damned if you do and damned if you don't - I have paid this for 30 years and somehow pride of buying my own home on my own doesn't seem to exist.


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In Glasgow we say that we have a 'boat hoose'.
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can you explain in plain english - wharton
Ah boat ma hoose - I bought my house.
ahboataperraearingsfurtheburd - have a go at that Connemmara :-)
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I bought a pair of earrings for my girl is that correct lol
Excellent Connemmara, howzitgaun, by the way?
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I know wharton we are trying to be light hearted here - but to you I have said to myself many many times and times again. OKEY DOKEY - have bought the house - what is the big deal -a piece of paper in your hand - threw in the back of a drawer. My friend is saying "SO WHAT". But I have been on my own from 16 years of age and worked for 40 years in Silly Service and other friends have been very proud of me - they want me to have a silly party/ How should I think - on my own from 16 - but did take a mortgage when I was 33 - now it is mine in August - should be proud or not. Don't get me wrong I have my own opinions as I am strong . what is your opinion.
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How is it going by the way - I study languages as I sure you know ie body language and physical language - since I have an impediment - I can seem to to follow both
I don't think it's a matter of being proud or not but come August you'll not be paying a mortgage and you'll have a 'boat hoose' :-)
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where I come from a two up and two down no bathroom with 14 people living in it - I think I should be proud -= don't you. sorry no pressure for an answer just at this time of night a little reassurance.
I think you're strong enough not to require any reassurance from anyone, but you've got it from me anyway, good luck :-)
You should be very proud. Ours finished recently and its the best feeling,enjoy it. What will you spend the money you save on repayments on, a bit of riotous living I hope.
A great achievement Conne. Well done.
Well done Connemmara, you have a lot to be proud of, I salute you.
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