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Swedes In Skirts

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boxtops | 07:53 Sun 09th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Ha Ha Ha - I really like this - I heard it on the radio last night - good on 'em!


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ludicrous, why can't they wear shorts, if they are smart and part of the uniform.
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well, exactly. I hope this spreads everywhere throughout the company - not that I particularly want to see our local bus drivers in mini-skirts, you get me - but Arriva run the bus service in Malta, it gets hot out there too!
Somebody should tell them about culottes. Look a bit like a skirt but are really short trousers.
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Ah sandy, but they are not comfortable, IMO. I wore culottes when they were fashionable in my youth, there is a load of fabric between the legs which I found itchy and woolly.
Lol, you stupid, do Arriva think they look better in skirts rather than shorts?
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Perhaps they'll become a tourist attraction :-)
I think the photo shows the look very well apart from the navy blue ankle socks. A nude sandal would extend the leg length better.
rocky exactly, they look worse in the skirts than nice smart shorts. Bonkers
men wear them in hot countries, so can't see Arriva's problem.
horrible, why not no socks but nice sandals, instead of heavy boots or shoes. they do look daft don't they..
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Probably Elf and Safety, em, the clunky shoes are probably Toetectors.
The Scottish seem to have missed an opportunity here. They should send a delegation to Stockholm to promote the advantages of kilts.
absolutely great! Just passed on this info to a few people who are pee'd off that they cannot wear shorts during the hot weather. Will keep you updated of their rebellion!
I've just read my post back 'you stupid'! I'm sure this ipad is making up words I haven't typed, I obviously meant 'how stupid'.

Sorry boxy if it looked like I was calling you stupid, it seems I am! ;)
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LOL rocky, I thought you were talking to Arriva :-)
I'd wear a skirt - after all what is the difference been them and a kilt (and I am entitled to two - one without a sporran, being of Cornish and Manx extraction, the Manx one being sporran-less like the cat with no tail)
i'd pay good money to see that ^^

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