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Have You Stopped Yourself

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albaqwerty | 15:06 Sun 09th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
from doing something rather silly?

Bought a frozen pizza, went to put it into the oven instead of the freezer :-)


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and I've just stopped myself battering the fly on my lappy screen

no longer available albs
Alba it was a Desktop spinach thread.

Humber, I make a paste of ground cumin, crushed garlic and lemon juice and smother chicken in it (whole or joints), cook it/them and make a sauce with white wine and sometimes a bit of cream from the cooking juices.

New potatoes roasted with a bit of smoked paprika and a dash of sherry vinegar goes nicely too!
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booger, all the good ones vamoose before I get to view them and the stinky ones stay.

Apropos of nuffink, I'm in the mood for my mum's beef curry, served with rice and a spoonful of chutney.
She put raisins in the curry. About the only tasty meal she cooked :-D
wipes drool off keyboard

thanks eccles
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oooh Eccles, I think I'll do that on Tuesday night, sounds really delish.
Friend of mine so nervous at airport when we we sitting in lounge he having whiskey me having tea ,he nervously dipped the tea bag in the whiskey but at airport prices he said it tasted alright
It is rather scrummy and even better when some honey is added to the paste (sorry, forgot that ingredient)......

Alba, was you Mum's curry served in a ring of rice like my Mum did?
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Eccles, yes! (To the rice ring thingy)
Tried it on my tribe and they would prefer I just dump it on the rice without making it 'fancy'.
Testosterone I guess :-D
My brother once made a cup of tea, and then couldn't find it.

He found it later, stone cold, in the fridge.
My mother lost her rolling pin, it was found days later in the freezer. I went to move the toaster to the other side of the kitchen, opened the fridge door and tried to put it in.
I found my lost box of tissues in the freezer.

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