1 Can anyone help me with the following: The two words below are missing vowels. I'm assuming the second word is Centres but I'm stuck with the first. It could start with a vowel! FRCN CNTRS This... ...
Just need these two questions.Thank you in advance for any assistance. 1.This diamond is full of potential(5) ----H 2. This pyramidal scheme is illegal(7) SE-----
16 To fabricate. (6) 59 Save. (6) 114 Needed for aquatic harvesting! (8) 23 Detain someone against their will (10) 48 Crustacean aware of Health & Safety (10) 69 Unwillingly but bravely received... ...
Good Morning Everyone! Wordle 1,363 2/6 🟩🟩🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Congratulations to Barry who gets the BA and also to FoxLee2 and MargoTester who both also solved yesterday's in 2!
Section each answer contains just one vowel which is used at least 3 times 5/ Former Ugandan seat of government Section 4 Who or what is missing from the groups of 5 Liesl Louisa Birgitta and... ...
Hi everyone, all answers are to do with shapes i.e. A mysterious triangle in the Atlantic = Bermuda 10) This diamond is full of potential (5) ----H Last one and my minds gone blank, as usual many... ...
All answers end with ship the number of letters stated includes the letters ship. Any help grateful 6. Hot Shot (12) 10. Reverse what has been done (6) 11. Backwards row in church (7) 21. Does not... ...
Todays dingbat: the word "QUANTUM". which appears to be rising up off the ground with the shadow of the letters below. Any ideas? This one has me stumped. Will post answer tomorrow. cheers.... ...
Good (Early) Morning Everyone Wordle 1,362 5/6 🟨🟩⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Congratulations to Haras2 who gets the BA and also to SharonA, perseverer, Seekeerz, Arky, Hazlinny, Ozzy, Barry, MargoTester,... ...