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cupid04 | 21:49 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | TV
15 Answers
Did anyone else want to slap sean tonight or was it just me?


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Yes, but nothing new there! he is one of the most annoying characters in it.
I'd happily slap him anyway, apparently he's not that well liked in real life.
He didnt come across very well when he was on I'm a Celeb, even his Mum said he was vile.
I love Sean but so wanted to slap Tina!
I wouldn't slap Sean or Tina but I did find Rowsie a tad irritating for some reason.

So if I had to choose a slapeee.....I'd go for Rowsie.
lol, Sean was very irritating last night.
I'd like the whole Windass clan in a line for me to slap.
Who is rowsie?
I think she means Sophie............
Rawzzzzie Webster.
chrissa rawzie left Corrie ages ago............
Oops. Wrong Webster.
Thanks Craft. Yes, I did indeed mean Sawphie. :o)
The one I love to hate is Karl the murderer.As soon as he gets his comeuppance the better, though I can't see it coming any time soon.
Ah but next week he asks the police to check the hospital CCTV to see if someone put the pub keys in Sunita's locker...............
I really like Sean, but yes I wanted to slap him! I agree with Robinia - the Windlasses deserve slapping!

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