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Stinky Shoe Solutions?????

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EcclesCake | 18:44 Sat 08th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I have a pair of Toms; rubber sole, leather insole and fabric upper.

They HONK!!!! What can I do to stop them being so pongy???


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The TOMS website didn't have any similar comments but I did find a lot of others asking the same question on other sites!

As jomifl has said the recommendation is to not wear them everyday which I generally don't and if I do it's only for an hour when I go shopping.

The washing machine does seem to be doable and I might give the freezer trick a go too.
Socks aren't an option?


Buy some little trainer socks.
Leather? In a washing machine?
(said like marty mcfly in BTTF lol )
You appear certain that the odour is not from the shoes as they were when you got them - i.e. materials (fabric, leather, adhesive, etc.). Assuming the shoes were new, never worn when you acquired them, and only you have worn them then it is almost certain that the organisms creating the odour came from you (skin and/or socks).

What I would do is to lightly wet the entire inner surface(s) with vinegar (not barley vinegar though, only the clear stuff). As a weak acid, vinegar is toxic to the yeasts and fungi that we harbour and they are therefore killed - it is an antiseptic of sorts. No organisms, no waste products, no odour. This works in lots of other situations and should work on shoes.
If I always used the same socks, but refused to wash them, would you be surprised if I said they stank?

You are wearing fabric shoes without socks. Same thing.
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Hopkirk I don't wear socks in the summer and the only time I have had a similar problem was with a pair of man made shoes.

I will try all the suggestions and yes I will put leather in the washing machine, I've not had problems with the leather elbow patches on jumpers and my web research has not shown others having problems.

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