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Going To The Garage To Get The Car Brakes Fixed

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DJHawkes | 13:38 Mon 10th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
they are crunching something terrible, it's annoying as if i didn't need to go to work i wouldn't need a car, though if i didn't work i wouldn't be able to pay for the brakes to be fixed so that i can get to work.


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Tony, I always take my car to the Vauxhall dealers that I bought it from. Do you think I should try the little garage around the corner?

Yes I do, Tilly.
Question Author
only downhill and only if there isn't a boy racer up my jacksey lol (no breaklights signalling that i am actually slowing down lol)
LOL, it's a wonder that you haven't had a bumps on the bum, dot.
Thanks Dot, for posting this, I know a small garage I can trust
Bring it over Psybbo, I'll fix it !.
Question Author
that's the abolute key psybbo, find a decent small garage that ideally is recommended and stick with them, they'll not see you wrong, this garage is always busy but they shift their day around to accomodate you and make you feel confident.
You're on, Tony
Right, Ill go and sort my tools out.

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Going To The Garage To Get The Car Brakes Fixed

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