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Hi There Everyone......

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fredkins | 00:45 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I have not been here for a while but would like to know how you all are. Good I hope?


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It's only been two days :-)
I'm fine fredkins and hope you are too.
Two days is a long time in AnswerBank.
I'm fine thank you, a few sniffles doc claims its a bit of hay fever, I know its down to drinking too much shh... what does he know eh!
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ok ummmm what is your point,you keep just picking on me, why? I really would like to kmow. Please do tell.
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Thankyou, to all of you who answered me I really do appreciate It.
Hi Fred. I myself am on cloud 9, over the moon, probably off my rocker or on a different planet, but who cares! I am happy with myself.
fredkins, look at all the avatars (upside down)
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Why are so happy spoonboy ? Please tell us then we can all celebrate.
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Goodnight everyone see you all later.
My first book is at a publishers, with fingers crossed. I am proceeding well on my second book, while, at the same time proofing a third, and I am listening to a combo of dance and classical music. What more could there be to celebrate than that I will be 52 for one day in July?

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Hi There Everyone......

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