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Frozen Peas

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sherrardk | 13:39 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
I want to use frozen peas in a pasta dish. Should I cook them in boiling water first or chuck them into the sauce? Thanks.


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Chuck them in x
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Thank you - one less pan to wash! How long do you reckon they will take?
if the sauce is hot and has to be stir fried, I'd drop them in frozen sherrardk.
put them in at the last minute, they only need to be heated up for a few seconds.
Maybe ten mins. If you're cooking the sauce for a while (eg with mince) frozen veg are fine to put in and just cook with the sauce. You'll see when they're soft enough
minutes? not long at all.
I cook frozen peas by just pouring boiling water over them in the pan and bringing it back to the boil that is enough to cook them, you can eat them raw no problem.

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