If Henry Cecil's private life makes him flawed there's no hope for many. Married three times and went to a prostitute once during one of them, is about it. It's a wonder he could stay in Newmarket with a private life as spotless, by Newmarket standards, as that ! He did the conventional Newmarket things: started by marrying the daughter of a trainer (they're a great lot for inbreeding),married more than once, smoked and drank in good measure (Newmarket was the only small town I knew with two wine merchants doing weekly deliveries, as a 'round', to save you the trouble of getting a van to bring the stuff home every week) but he didn't do any of it to excess by local standards.
He lost 40 horses when the owner suddenly took a dislike to how the yard was being run and he subsequently fell out of favour as a trainer. He must have had about 200 horses in his yard but that was probably down to about 60 at his low point. But class is timeless and, even when ill with the same cancer that killed his brother, he remained a good, and ultimately successful ,trainer.