Goodness! Such hostility! Give the bloke a break! He’s not mentioned ‘crazy people’, and he’s given no indication that he’s a ‘fascist’, or considering joining the EDL - that's all in your minds! It’s just a question – and considering that good Muslims, whatever political party they support, are expected to give priority to Islamic...
So how is it that these two, mikey4444 & Answerprancer, are continuously allowed to bring hostility to a thread with their accusations of fascism, suggestions of membership of the EDL and their usual anti Daily Mail garbage?
Sandy, I was quite a passionate socialist myself. But, I hope to goodness, I was never as rude, condescending and, dare I say it, yes, thick as the left wing ABers. ;)
"So how is it that these two, mikey4444 & Answerprancer, are continuously allowed to bring hostility to a thread with their accusations of fascism"
So how is it that you, Git, are continually allowed to bring hostility to AB with your constant right-wing rantings scraped from the bowels of one of UK most notoriously hate-mongering newspapers (rhetorical question).
Just to sum up a little here....I will not be asking anything remotely political here again. I feel a severe lack of dignity and respect exists in this section of AB. Then, again there doesn't seem to be much of that in Parliament either....
Thank you to those who were sympathetic toward me.