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Trisha Yearwood Is Over Here In England

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DJHawkes | 11:33 Sat 15th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
not seen anything in the papers, has anyone seen anything of her?


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she's doing a twister relief concert with Garth on July 6, but not here

Who is T Y ?
She's a country singer apparently Baldric (I googled her) .

Thanks Sharingan.

Years ago, we lived in Norfolk, there were two local radio stations,
Radio Norfolk and the even more imaginatively named Norfolk Radio, both seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of Country Music, we moved!
I must admit I hate country music as a whole genre, with one or two stand out exceptions like ' Devil went down to Georgia' and a few others. I'd have moved too :)
Not all country music is crap Shar. Check-out Cowboy Junkies & Steve Earle.
We saw her on a triple bill with Marty Stuart and Emmylou Harris years ago in Glasgow, it was a good night. Haven't heard too much of her lately
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nungate she is into her 2nd tv series in america called Southern Kitchen and she has a couple of great cookery books out, she's also won awards for her tv cookery show.
Next month she's doing a benefit concert with her hubby and willie nelson for the Oklahoma tornadoe relief fund, but on her facebook she said last night she was in england, i messaged her but not got a reply yet

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