Unusual for me on a Sunday, my day is usually Tuesday. Anyway got to Aldi at 10.30 ish and wish I hadn't bothered. No milk. no carrots and most importantly no beer of the brand I usually buy. Won't do that again. I mostly like Aldi what I don't like about them is you can't ring the shop. You can't email to complain. They say any complaints voice them in store. I know this is not a question just a moan really.
You were just unlucky. I have complained to Aldi (can't remember how now, but it wasn't in store), was a complete pain though and I didn't really get a satisfactory result.
Just unlucky, jeza - we've had good weather down here so beer and barbecue stuff is all sold out. I certainly wouldn't bother to complain if stock was low at the weekend.