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Bonkers Health And Safety

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sherrardk | 20:25 Mon 17th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Got a flyer home from school today detailing an events day organised by the woodland trust at the local woods. It's a family day thing but each adult can only bring two children, how do they think people manage their daily lives?


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Same with swimming too. They assume you'll take more children than you can physically manage. I had to fill in a form this week for my son to go for a walk with youth club for half an hour. It included permission for blood transfusion if necessary.
I know it's all h & s, but a little unnerving sometimes!
Yeah, but most people usually only have 1 or 2 kids sherr, not 75 like your good self ;-)
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We have had terrible trouble with swimming, I can see their point but at the end of the day the children are our responsibility and we wouldn't take them swimming if we couldn't handle them all (have even had to blatantly lie and 'pretend' that I had forgotten that the things had turned four (when we all knew - manager, etc - that they were three at the time).
it's not really health and safety - just stupid woodland trust people calling it h+s when they really mean risk assessment
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The kids from school go up the woods frequently, thirty odd kids with four or five members of staff. Almost tempted to go to see how 'dangerous' the day is (obviously, only taking some of the children!).
It'll keep the Catholics away though:-)
Makes you wonder how schools manage with thirty children on a walk; a common sight in SW1; or on an outing, and only two teachers for the lot.
I went to visit a site for work the other week. We had to go up onto the roof of a shop. The site manager made us all put our hard hats on. despite the fact no building works had even started yet, I'm not sure what they think its protecting you from when you're about 40ft above anything else. And in case anyone thinks falling, a hard hat is going to do bugger all if you fall off a roof.

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