Pink Kitten. I knew how much it cost. The kids were living with me. She lived in a flat with her boyfriend. I thought it might have been a mitigating factor in my case. Lol, I was wrong.
I do know that they could only charge a maximum of 15%, but that was about 10 years ago. If you think you are being overcharged, appeal, and if you still get no joy, see a solicitior. They usually Sugar themselves if you threaten them with court action.
Good luck!
Not moaning or complaining...Monthly payments are already being paid direct to parent for child. However, the parent wants more, the CSA was contacted and you are right, it will be approx 15%... more than that is paid now...strangely enough, the parent is no longer going to CSA....Funny that, don't yopu think...This concludes the matter.