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Liquid Soap

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Georgiesmum | 08:11 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Do you use liquid soap?If so which make do you usually use. Do you think there is any point in buying one that has anti-bacterial qualities?


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I use antibacterial for kitchen and ordinary liquid soap for bathroom. I think they are more hygienic than bar soap and have used them for years. Sainsbury's and Tesco's one are adequate for me.
I do use it , I have it in the bathroom and kitchen. I buy whatever is on offer at the time although I do look out for the antibacterial ones, no idea if they are any better or not.
I buy Molton Brown liquid soap on special from their outlet stores - it lasts forever.
I have '' fancy '' ones for the bathroom, but antibacterial ones for the kitchen, and hand sanitizers in both areas .
Molton Brown everywhere except kitchen where we have Dettol.
Any which has a special offer on.

We have two young girls that use liquid soap like water.
Tesco value shower gel, diluted 50/50 with water, works very well as a refill in a Carex dispenser, and about 1/10 the price.
Tend to buy whatever is on offer and find most of the okay. Mrs Heep finds most of the dry the skin too much.
That is most of them - hands too dry!
My mrs buys liquid soap, gotta be White though.
I usually buy Carex or Radox - both have a nice smell. They have to be a creamish colour to match the bathroom!
I use treaclemoon's 'my coconut island' smells gorgeous.
I only use liquid soap. Usually something cheap - as long as it smells nice. I wouldn`t buy antibacterial as I don`t think it`s necessary.
I'll use any on offer, but have taken a liking to the dry hand gels - particularly useful when out and about away from handwash facilities, or after handling my python which can carry salmonella

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