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phrases with ASH in it

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manwise | 02:01 Sat 04th Feb 2006 | Phrases & Sayings
6 Answers
Does any one know phrases with ASH in it or ASS?


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The law is an ass.
The oak before the ash, there'll be a splash.
The ash before the oak, there'll be a soak.

(something like that anyway. Maybe someone knows this one exactly).
Sorry if it seems petty to correct, but the quote from Dickens' 'Oliver Twist' is: "If the law supposes that," said Mr Bumble..."the law is a ass - a idiot." This was after he had been told that the law supposes a man to be able to control his wife. (He had little respect for the use of the word 'an'.)
No hot ash (seen on side of plastic wheelie bin)

A load of Balderdash!

My wife has a hair up her ass about me getting ash on the carpet

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phrases with ASH in it

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