Why do dating sites state that they are free to join only for you to discover that in order for you to communicate with the chosen person properly you have to pay?.Are the majority of these sites just scamming people for money by leading them up the garden path so to speak?
There must be free ones, surely? DT, Answerbank survives without charging it's members, so I would have thought a dating site could operate in the same way perhaps?
Funkyrich, what about Facebook? That's free - although I suppose that would be a bit stalkersih/harassment.
Eh, you could always ask the ed of this site to set up a "single and ready to mingle" category.... :P
I don't use them anymore but the best free one I found was Plenty of Fish. However, I did sign up to a couple of paid ones and I found the 'quality' of the people on there was much higher than on the free qites, probably because they take it bit more seriously if they pay.