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British Wildlife

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granny grump | 18:59 Thu 20th Jun 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
39 Answers
We are off on holiday tomorrow - please can you help me with this quiz?

1. Bird not the spotted variety (6)
2. Organ covering (6)
3. Pointed narrow channel (6)
4. Grasp with wonder (8)
5. Topped degree of heat (5)
6. two kinds of speech one curtailed (8)
8 A favourite food of blue tits (6)
11. East wind (5)
13. Blue backed creeper (8)
15. Related to 3
19. Car lever and hole closer (7)
22. Feline track (9)
32 Animal noise in reverse (4)



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sorry Ouzel didn't see you there
8. Aphids
22 kittyhawk ?
its kittiwake
8 aphids
22) kittiwake
22 Kittiwake ?
6, Whin(e)chat ?
ah, so now we know that question 5 must begin with and "o"
so if you "top" a degree of heat, it must be even "otter".
gg can I query what you said about the cc in natterjack. You said the 2nd C was caterpillar and you said question number was 22.
But you show number 22 is 9 letters (and caterpillar is 11 letters.)

Can you clarify what the two questions are to get the C and K of natterjack and how many letters in each.
Question Author
Thank you - I think that that confirms Yellow hammer for the bird
The Winner, answer to no.22 is now KITTIWAKE
Thank you ellimay1, I had to nip out, and have just lost track with it all.
I agree, it's difficult to follow when it gets so long and you have to keep scrolling up and down!
Question Author
Thank you all so much for your combined help

Just left with

3.Pointed narrow channel (6) begins with L
4. 4. Grasp with wonder (8) also begins with L

Sorry one that I missed

25. Writing on top (3 3) begins with I
re. number 25 are they all birds or animals or could it be the "ink cap" mushroom?
Prob is Ink cap.
Question Author
Thank you - yes ink cap fits the bill just 3 and 4 left
3 lizard

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