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Did I Mishear This Q&a On The Chase Today?

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sandyRoe | 23:09 Mon 24th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
'Who owned the Admiral Benbow Inn in the book, Treasure Island?' Did Bradley Walsh say it was Long John Silver?


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Elvis68, I'm none the wiser. Did I mishear or did he say it?
Yes, but wasn't it Jim's father?
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I thought his mother, a widow, ran the inn.
She did, sandy. LJS ran a restaurant type place in Bristol, where Jim first came across him.

Jim Hawkins parents I think
I don't know who owned it but Jim Hawkins lived there.
Sorry sandy, he said Long John Silver owned it
It's been a long time since I read it, thought it was someone from Jim's family.
Doesn't matter anyway as they won £50,000
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It was nice to see a good win. And 12 and a half K each wasn't chickenfeed.
I hate it when someone takes a minus offer as one lad did today. When they win they should get what they individually put in the pot.
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I think that young lad answered more than his fair share of questions in the final chase. But it still doesn't seem right that others take the bigger risk and then someone takes a share of what they've won.
I agree Jeza, seeing as the last woman put £38k in the pot
I watched and answered Miss Purity Perkins, Long John's intended.
Jeza - When they win they should get what they individually put in the pot ? So that lad would have to pay out?
I always thought it was Jim's parents
Possibly bibble, but knowing that he wouldn't have taken a minus.

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