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Paralyzed Woman Goes Surfing (With Friend & Duct Tape!)

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AB Editor | 17:05 Wed 26th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Heartwarming little video - she looks happy for it :)



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what they could do is come up with harness for the person, one that unclips quickly, i think she looks more than happy. great piece, so thank you
Thanks Ed for posting the vid,heartwarming indeed and very good motivation for anyone unfortunately finding themselves in such a position,she feels as if she has rejoined the human race.
Lovely video, it certainly puts my moans and groans into perspective!
i have seen similar ones with sky divers, very heartwarming for all.
Terrific, that Ed.
Reminds me of this amazing lady
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What a fantastic lad he is, and nice to see her enjoying life.
Lovely clip, thank you.
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Hopkirk, she stays down a little too long on that first dip!

Glad you all liked it - I thought it was a nice heart-warming piece of nonsense for an afternoon :)

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Paralyzed Woman Goes Surfing (With Friend & Duct Tape!)

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