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TWR | 11:58 Thu 27th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
A lot on here condeming this Government for the cut backs / measures / wage cut backs ( But not their own) the police / Armed services / nurses / hospitals, & shortly, heating allowence / free bus passes / TV Liecence / I also wonder how many on this site that condem this Government & their stupid parnership " Voted for them" have you the bottle to say you did?


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TWR.......I don't think ANYBODY voted for a coalition Government.
you are the main person who i ever notice condeming them.
No-one voted for the co-alition
I didn't !!!!!!!!!
I voted Tory!
I have the bottle to say I voted Tory.

I also have the bottle to say that in the 1997 election I voted Labour.

I voted Tory...
i can't remember who i voted for

david clegg i think.....

bugger is it all my fault??
i think you mean nick cameron mccfluff
I wish I knew then (last general election) what I am told now.

1. Labour didn't ruin the's the fault of the current government.
2. Invading Iraq was a mistake that could have been avoided if the Tories had opposed it.
3. Ed Balls didn't agree with G. Browm's economic policies.
4. Selling our gold reserves at a rock-bottom price was a good thing.
ah is that who it was?
I voted for my Labour candidate.
I think UNWITTNINGLY we all voted for a coalition gov.

Not enough people really wanted Labour back in and the other two weren't serious options either so we dithered about and got this lot.

On the whole I feel they have done a reasonable job given the circumstances and coalitions almost always fail in the end, inevitable really.

So this means we are ALL allowed to moan about the Government :-)

I didn't get the chance!

My choices were:

+ John Bercow
+ A guy in a Dolphin suit
+ Nigel Farage

That was the order of the result too!
I voted liberal democrats.

Really don't know who I'd vote for if an election was called tomorrow though.

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